International Poetry Prize “Tropea: Onde Mediterranee”
The association ” Tropea Mediterranean Waves ” presents the 13th edition of the International Poetry Prize “Tropea: Onde Mediterranee”
Waves and sections
first wave: young poetry
second wave: adults poetry
third wave: poetry in dialect
fourth wave: published poetry
fifth wave: poetry of the Europe and of the world
sixth wave: avis poetry for life
Expiry date: 21st March , 2016 –on Monday
Ceremony: 28th May, 2016 –on Saturday.
At 5 o’clock in the afternoon in Tropea
Regulation . The international poetry prize:” Mediterranean waves “ is divided into the following sections:
Fifth wave: Poetry of the Europe and of the world, unpublished, written in one of the languages spoken in Europe or in the world, with facing-page translation. No age limit .
Sixth Wave: Poetry for life . Unpublished poetry, in Italian language, for authors and students of every school grades, with the theme: the values of donation and of life
You can participate with one or two poems, no more than thirty verses. You must send six copies typed on pc of each poem, only one must be signed by the author. The other copies, completely anonymous and without any sign of recognition, must contain only the text and the title of the poem. The envelope containing the work must include the compiled entry form. It would be appropriated to send a copy of each lyric by email to
Fifth wave. It is mandatory the facing-page translation in Italian language and the indication on the signed copy of the country where the language is spoken. Sixth wave. The students of all school grades can participate. Their participation is free only if they indicate the name of their school.
It’s required a registration fee of 15 Euros for each section of the prize. It is allowed to participate in more sections, for each section you must send the contribution of 15 Euros. It can be paid in the following manner:
- in cash at the Association
- by bank check not transferable headed to: ASSOCIAZIONE TROPEA: ONDE MEDITERRANEE;
- by bank transfer: bank details IBAN IT73O030674280000000001899 – UBI BANCA TROPEA – CC. headed to ASSOCIAZIONE TROPEA: ONDE MEDITERRANEE;
- by Postepay charge card headed to DE LUCA PASQUALE n. 4023600676940911
- by PayPal to:
On the reason for payment it must be written the name of the participant and the section (or sections) in which he\she wants to subscribe himself/herself.
The poetries must be sent by mail or directly delivered by March 21, 2016 to the following address:
The lack of respect of one of the necessary requirements implicate the expulsion from the prize. The competitors must accept unconditionally this regulation and the judgment of the jury that is incontestable and unappealed. The unpublished winning poetry, if considered interesting, may be published in a book, which can be sold or sent to public and national libraries.
The authors’ partecipation to the final price will not involve any kind of burden for the organizers.
Awards: cup/plate
Other Awards:
Trip for two people to the Aeolian Islands , picture offered by the artist Silvana Dell’Ordine, publication of a poetic work offered by the publishing house Meligrana, publication of a work by the publishing house Thoth, a stay for two people –full board- at the hotel Hipomea Club in Capo Vaticano and perfume “Water of the Gods”.
The winning authors will be informed in time about the place of the award ceremony. They are obliged to withdraw the prize personally. In any case the award will not be sent home .
Entry form
Phone………………….. Mobile Phone………………………..
Fifth Wave – Poetry of the Europe and of the world
Title of the poem: 1)……………………………………………….
Sixth Wave – Avis. Poetry for life
Title of the poem: 1)……………………………………………….
Payment can be made by:
cash –– bank check not transferable – bank transfer – postepay – paypal
With the following signature, I declare that the work has been written by myself andderives from my artistic creativeness. The organization has no responsibility in the case of plagiarism.
I authorize the free publication in books and magazines with both my name and surname, I give my consent to use the data respect to the informative ex dlgs 196/2003.